Ocular Implant

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Ocular Implant

BDF ItemIcon OccularImplant.png

Equipped By


Vision Enhancement Device




Sight Range


Crafting Expenses

BDF Resource Supplies 48x48.png


BDF Resource UltraCapacitors 48x48.png


BDF Resource Vanadium 48x48.png


BDF Resource Terrazine 48x48.png


BDF Resource Vespene 48x48.png


BDF Resource Tungsten 48x48.png


BDF Resource Minerals 48x48.png


BDF Resource Jorium 48x48.png


In my sights.


These implants make it easier to spot potential targets and weak points in the enemy perimeter.


Research: Ocular Implant


5 / 5

Crafting Recipe
Technological Improvements

Technological Improvements

WIP Content

This game content still has not been release.

Legendary Variants, T6 Ocular Implants

BDF ItemIcon Vigil.png Detection Sight Range
Parameters +2 +2 +1
Description This gear typical far mercenaries, is based on a standard ocular implant but has many modifications, especialy those that increase the precision of vision. This device probably ended up here by trade on the black market.
Passive Effects
  • Increased performance compared to the regular ocular implant