Wiki Contributors

From Before Darkness Falls Wiki
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This is just a list to show the peps that work on the wiki, anyone can join to help, but before that, make an announcement in the official discord that you would like to participate in the construction of the wiki, it would be a mess if anyone could just come and change stuff as they please.

Current Contributors:

  • Devortium - One of the original contributors of the wiki.
  • NeoX aka DegenerateNr.6839 - Mostly works on adding all kinds of info and management of the wiki layout. R34 Lover
  • Gertimoshka aka Gertimishak - Creates cool templates and other things to make the wiki cleaner. A unique and peculiar Zergling
  • Mimi aka Duck - Works on several fronts: adds info, works on template and provides screenshots. a Duck
  • Krystian - Provides screenshots. A peculiar Zerg form
  • Skeletkopf aka Darth snuffed - Provides screenshots. Shotgun Messiah

Former Contributors: Original workers of the wiki, they are still welcome to it but we don't know what happened to em

  • A guy or 2 we have no clue bout

Trainee Contributors: Peps that have just started to work on the wiki

  • sSd aka Karen sSd - Has experience on css and HTML editing. A computer Hard Drive.