The Unclean One

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You're not gonna believe this! Defilers are here, and they'll be able to shield other Zerg around them


The Unclean One is a powerful variant of the Defiler. The Defiler is a relatively rare Zerg breed, resembling a silverfish in appearance and acting akin to a 'cancer factory' in function. Its core genus, if it has one, is unknown, as the Defiler contains the DNA of all other Zerg breeds. It was created from festering, carcinogenic pathogens that were, in essence, leftover genetic chains from other Zerg strains. It uses this genetic material to synthesize virus-like biochemicals. These biochemicals are extremely hazardous, resistant to the most effective anti-toxins, and, paradoxically, dangerous even to the Zerg


Ability Ability Range Radius Duration
Description Shields units in a area from ranged attacks for the duration of the ability.

Ability Ability Range Radius Duration Damage
Description Infects all enemy units and buildings in area of effect dealing damage over its duration ignoring shields. Cannot reduce units below 1 HP. Reveals cloaked and burrowed units caught in the area of effect for its duration.

Found in following mission


TUO 0.png TUO 1.png TUO 2.png