Special Items

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Patron Reward Items

BDF ItemIcon GarbageCollector.png
Passive Effects

BDF ItemIcon WindOfHope.png
Passive Effects

Wiki Contributor Items

(Temporary Names)

BDF ItemIcon Contributor.png Storage: Technology Points Generation Unit: Passive Regenetration Unit: Health
Parameters +1 +125% +25
Description A very rare, experimental biomechanical accelerator with many applications, both scientific and military. Connected with computers, it significantly accelerates the research progress, and when attached to the suit, it increases the performance of the suit's life-support systems, which allows for faster healing of the wounds.
Passive Effects
  • Generates 1 Technology Point per day if placed in the storage
  • Increases health points by 25 and health regeneration speed by 125% if assigned to a unit

BDF ItemIcon Nr6839.png Melee Resistance Projectile Resistance Explosion Resistance Psi Resistance Toxin Resistance Fire Resistance Radiation Resistance Armor Health Mobility
Parameters 25% 45% 33% 20% 25% 25% 50% 0 +12 -0.35
Tenacity 25% 45% 33% 20% 25% 25% 50% +3 +12 -0.35
Description A fully personalized CMC Powered Combat Suit, covered in different stickers, numbers and a URL on its bottom, as it can be seen, the previous owner of the armor had rather peculiar tastes. Apparently the of the owner (if you can call that a name) was Degenerate Nr.6839 as it was written on the part that faces the nape: "ONWEED BY Degenerate Nr.6839 PS: DO NOT STEAL
Passive Effects
  • Health Bonus:+12 health points
  • Tenacity: If a unit's total health points are below 50%, it temporarily gains +3 Armor points

BDF ItemIcon Mimi.png
Passive Effects

BDF ItemIcon TamedDevouringOne.png
Passive Effects