Mission Phase

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One of the core gameplay of the game, after preparing yourself at the compound, you choose one of the available missions on the given day.

During the mission phase players complete main and optional objectives, but this isn't required as a "mission complete" feature doesn't exist. Not completing any objectives will leave the players with 0 tech points for the next day, as the main objectives give 10 tech points while optional objectives grant only 1. To end a mission all players need to select the blue circle on the starting zone to end a mission, units outside the circle will be considered as "dead".

Main objectives vary, but optional objectives usually are to rescue civilians, salvage this or kill this. In the future some optional objectives might affect gameplay in the long run.

During the mission you will meet enemies from 2 races, Zerg or Terran. Zerg will attack you from all sides with great numbers, at times with special Zerg, while the Terran, despite being lower in numbers, they will overwhelm the players with superior firepower.

Some missions contain environmental effects that may put the players at a disadvantage, like the fog from Emerald Lake which interferes with the vision of players, or the radiation spots from Hushed Whispers which damages units overtime which may cause wounds.