In Hushed Whispers

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Greater Wasteland Hills is a large and very unstable zone. It is very rich in vespene gas but frequent rift eruptions and earthquakes makes it impossible to build a regular refinery there.

For years small miner teams were sent to load freshly refined vespene directly from the active rifts into containers. According to the satellite there are several vespene gas containers abanonded during the zerg invasion scattered over the area. It looks like most of them are almost fully loaded.

According to date from satellite observations, we will be dealing with flying zergs there. We are detecting a large amount of mutalisks in the area. Overlords are among them. However we cannot pinpoint the exact reason for their presence there

Expected weather in the mission area: foggy

Mission Difficulty: Hard


In Hushed Whisper Map.png


Recover the Vespene cargo from containers in the area, 5 total

  • During the extraction of Vespene containers, each of which takes a considerable amount of time, large groups of Zerg will be attracted by the extraction sounds which will pose a threat.

In Hushed Whisper Vespene Container.png

Optional Objective

Salvage containers, 3 totals

  • Zerg bioforms may approach when salvaging containers, although in small quantities unlike when salvaging Vespene containers.

Kill drones recovering Vespene from Vespene rifts

  • Few Zerg bioforms will attack when approached, serving as Drones guards.

In Hushed Whisper Drones.png

Secure the reactor core in the radioactive leak area

  • Few Zeg Bioforms may appear in area.

In Hushed Whisper Core.png

Save the survivors in the area

  • Rescue the survivors that appear within the mission zone.

In Hushed Whispers Survivors.png


  • Mission accomplished. Our squad managed to locate and recover all vespene gas canisters from the containers.

In Hushed Whisper Victory.png


  • Its the mission with greatest number of optional objectives so far.

