Emerald Lake

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It is said that Emerald Lake hides dark secrets. There have been reports of missing miners working on drilling sites near the shallow lake. Over time the place was labeled "cursed".

A thick, slightly green fog often appears over the water in the lake, which disappears after some time. Its orgin has never been established. It is very possible that valuable materials and equipment left by the miners are still there to be salvaged

Expected weather in the mission area: Foggy

Mission Difficulty: Medium


Minimap Emerald Lake.png


Salvage the ruins of the supply Depot

- Few wandering Infested Marines might approach during extraction which takes some time.

Supply Depot.png

Retrieve the cloaking core from the aircraft derelict

- During the extraction of the derelict aircraft, which takes a considerable amount of time to complete the extraction , the sounds of the action will grab the attention of the wandering infested marines alongside the Mist Being. While the infested marines might not be a threat by themselves, they can come in larger numbers increasing the danger they can pose, though the real threat here is the Mist Being, fast and powerful, it can decimate troops within the blink of the eye, not to mention its has a great survivability, great durability alongside the fact that it flees when severily injured by quickly burrowing in the ground to heal itself so it may strike again.

Aircraft deliric.png

Optional Objective

Salvage resources from debris objects around the area, 14 total

- Few wandering Infested Marines might approach when salvaging debris, salvaging debris within the lake might attract the attention of the the Mist Being.

Debris Emerald Lake.pngDebris Emerald Lake1.png

Salvage containers, 3 total

- Few wandering Infested Marines might approach when salvaging containers.

Emerald Lake containers.png


Mission accomplished. Our team managed to collect some resources from the area and all goal have been achevied.

An old AH/G-24 Banshee Tactical-Strike Aircraft derelict has been found partially sunken in the lake. We managed to extract the cloaking core from it. It had certainly been there for long time before the invasion. It is interessting that no records or reports have been found on this subject.

Emerald Lake.png


Eventually, due to the constant damage that the Mist Being has taken, it won't be able to burrow as fast as it usually does, making it possible to kill it.