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  • BDF comes with 4 flavors of difficulty


  • All enemy units have 25% reduced Hp and Damage.
  • Enemies numbers are greatly decreased.
  • No micro skills required to survive.
  • Playing on this difficulty gives no additional bonuses.


  • Default game setup.
  • Basic micro skills required to survive.
  • Playing on this difficulty gives no additional bonuses.


  • Hard difficulty.
  • Features increased numbers of enemy forces.
  • Medium micro skills required to survive.
  • +2% chance to find unique items.


  • The hardest difficulty.
  • Greatly increases number of enemies forces.
  • +5% chance to fin unique items.


  • Previously, difficulties from Easy to Hard would guarantee the survival of units despite their in-mission deaths at the cost of an injury (permanent debuff unless treated), unlike Darkness which had permadeath active. Currently all difficulties have permadeath active.