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  • Over the course of the game, players will meet different traders which will trader their goods at the cost of resources that the players may be able to offers.


Howdy, name’s Garbovich. This world is going to five different kinds of hell and it ain't gonna get any better. Whatever happens around, a business is still a god damn bloody business and I’ll not even pretend that the new reality isn’t working in my favor. The currency has changed but not the commodity. Nowadays, I’m not interested in your credits but in stuff that you’ve collected.

Look, I like doing business with serious people and you really look like serious people. Care to know what I dislike? The noisiness. The less you know about me and where I get the goods from, the better you sleep.

I’m not a saint that helps people just like that. I care about fair and simple trade. You get an offer and you either take it or leave it. You pay up front and my boys deliver your stuff to your front door, all as good as new.

Still interested? Good. Just one more thing: I know what you're thinking, but I am not that naive to bring the goods physically with me. That would be extremely irresponsible on my part, wouldn't it? Try something funny and you won't see me or my goods ever again. Unless someone decides to buy something and try it on your sorry ass that is.

As I mentioned before, I’m not a saint, but, neither a liar.


Weapons Armors Active gear Passive Gear


Ah my boys, don't shoot' . I ain't mean no harm just wanna talk a lil bit.

Quite a nice camp y'all have here, huh? Many men and some resources are always good.

But you see, that all ain't gonna be worth a hoot once the zergs come if ya have no good ol’ gear to shoot those motherfuckers. Ya and yer men need stuff that's gonna shoot the shit out of these arseholes again and again, and still be working the next day.

Luckily for ya, I have exactly what ye need. Chainguns, flamers, shotty's - whatever can make a hole in these dickweeds - are in my store, just choose what you'll need.

So, here is the deal - ya give me yer resources, I give ye best stuff on market and we all survive a few more days.

Sounds good, am I right? Attaboy.


Weapons Armors Active gear Passive Gear


Greetings. A very opportune meeting for the both of us, I assure you.

It is the purpose of every man and woman of science to distribute knowledge, not just hoard it. To that end I offer you my assistance in achieving scientific breakthroughs in a variety of fields, although Suspect you will mainly be interested in those with brutish military applications.

Sad that it got to this, but alas, that is the reality we now live in. I can aid you with almost everything, with my knowledge ranging from small side arms to calibrating a quantum fields. Explosives and protection are, of course, also included in that list. Provide me with a goal in mind alongside the resources to reach it and you will be allowed to wonder at the magnificent discoveries to be made. Just don't ask me to go out there with those monkey brains that follow you.

My laboratory cannot be left unattended for long. Lest some... "accidents" happen. And that will be most unfortunate indeed.


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