Resistances & Armor

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  • Within BDF unlike vanilla Starcraft, units now have several resistance stats that reduce incoming damage by a n% amount, keep in mind that the damage reduced by resistances is taken first account of before armor, which leads to heavy armored units with high resistances to being very difficult to kill, but, only 4 resistances will work together with armor: melee, projectile, explosive and acid resistances.
  • Units with high enough resistances and armor are capable of fully negating damage if the source doesn't own any armor penetration.

1. Terran units have 7 different resistances:

  • Melee Resistance
  • Projectile Resistance
  • Explosive Resistance
  • PSI Resistance
  • Acid Resistance
  • Fire Resistance
  • Radiation Resistance

2. Zerg units have 4 different resistances:

  • Cold Resistance
  • Fire Resistance
  • Radiation Resistance
  • Acid Resistance